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Furniture Design

About Project


  • Started With Sketching, picked one sketch, then made a model with that sketch.

  • Created half scale then full-scale model.

  • When creating the curve for the full-size scale model, found objects that are round to rap it around for a mold.

  • Sanded the plexiglass to hide the light and used a heat gun to warm up the glass.

  • Bent the plexiglass to create the curve shape, attached the LED strip on the inside to create a glow.

  • Created a 3D element to hold the light at the top.




Revit Model

3d rendered view.png

1/4 Model


Half Scale

final light model.jpg

About Project


  • Collaborated with other students and worked in a group of 5.

  • Strong communication skills and met deadlines.

  • Started With Sketching, picked one sketch, then made a model with that sketch.

  • Created half scale then full-scale model.

  • Used a metal for the back of the chair and the legs and used wood for the seat.



final chair sketches_edited.jpg

Software Steches

chair angles.png
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